Yealm and Erme Mission Community
Bringing the love of Christ to all generationsÂ
Welcome to The Yealm and Erme Mission Community
We are two benefices of 6 churches located in the beautiful South Hams.
We see our churches as a community we belong to, not just a place we go to.
Although our buildings are beautiful the real essence of our community is the people.
Everyone is welcome at any of our services, which provide different flavours of both traditional and contemporary worship.
We live in a strange new world that none of us have encountered before. Whether you have been a Christian your whole life or are just trying to make sense of life, hopefully you will be able to encounter God through some of what we can offer here. We don’t have all the answers but we know the One who does.
Next Services
Daily Morning Prayer: Monday to Friday at 9.00am using Zoom.
BrixtonNo service
No service
Sun 16th Feb 11.00
Joint @ Holbeton
HolbetonChurches Together
Churches Together
Sun 16th Feb 11.00
Joint Service
Newton FerrersNo service
No service
Sun 16th Feb 11.00
Joint @ Holbeton
Noss MayoNo service
No service
Sun 16th Feb 11.00
Joint @ Holbeton
WemburyHoly Communion
Holy Communion
Sun 16th Feb 08.00
YealmptonNo service
No service
Sun 16th Feb 11.00
Joint @ Holbeton
Church of England Prayer for Peace
O God of all hope and peace, we bring to you the needs of our broken and hurting world.
Our hearts are breaking with images of lives lost and torn apart by grief in Israel and Palestine.
We pray for an end to violence and warfare so that the challenging work of rebuilding may begin.
Help us, O Lord, to affirm our common humanity so that in our differences we may build together for justice and peace.
In Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Like all churches, we have been hit by the impact of the pandemic with closed churches and cancelled events. The need for your support is greater than ever.
There are various ways to give towards the work of your local church. You can find out more here
The Yealm and Erme Mission Community is committed to the support, nurture, protection and safeguarding of all, especially the young and the vulnerable. We recognise that our work with children, young people and vulnerable adults is the responsibility of the whole church community, and we are fully committed to acting within current legislation, guidance, national frameworks and the Diocesan Safeguarding procedures. If you are concerned about the Safety of a Child, Young Adult or Vulnerable Person our Safeguarding Representative is Carol Steel.
She can be contacted on 07394 170283 or by email: churchesoffice@gmail.com.
You can read our Safeguarding Policy by clicking here.
In an emergency dial 999.